Extensive educational offering
Bachelor's and master’s
Further education
You develop these skills during your studies at VUB...
Critical thinking
You learn to seek your own path, with an open mind, free of preconceptions. By thinking critically and confronting sources, expressing your own opinion and taking the initiative. At VUB, lessons are given in small groups and there is always room for practice alongside theory. This allows lecturers and assistants to guide you personally. In essence, you receive tailored education. 
Social engagement
Through VUB you engage to create a sustainable, humanist society. The world needs you. So even as a student, you make your impression on society. We motivate you to participate in socially relevant projects and informative experiences.
World citizenship
You learn to deal with current and future challenges in a constantly changing and globalising society, by being in contact with other cultures and thinking critically and independently. An international exchange through Erasmus can also broaden your view of the world. At VUB, every course offers possibilities of exchange with other universities in Europe and the rest of the world.
Academic research
Throughout your study, you will be encouraged to question the material on the basis of your own experiences and rational arguments. Through support and training, we strive to provide everyone with an optimal study and research environment.
Professional skills
Empathic communication, enterprise, teamwork, problem-solving thought and action: all skills that you will develop at VUB through internships, group projects and practicals. This helps you get off to a quick start on the job market.
How do we guarantee high quality education?
Online and offline lessons
Focus on innovation
Use of media and technology
Our e-tools and portals explained
Reports and study materials are packaged on the Canvas e-platform, which you can also use to communicate with fellow students and lecturers. Office365 gives you access to your VUB-mail and Office software, your tools for sharing and processing documents. You can manage your personal student administration in Student Selfservice (CaLi).