Administrative support for former students
Request your diploma free of charge from the staff at Education and Student Administration .
Administrative support for former students
Duplicate diploma (supplement) or marksheet
Is a diploma not enough and do you need a duplicate diploma? We can provide you with it once, if your copy has been lost or stolen, or it is damaged or illegible.
You can apply for your diploma (supplement) as follows:
- Write a letter or e-mail to the rector explaining why you need a reprint. Specify clearly if it concerns the diploma and/or the diploma supplement.
- We will screen your application and decide, in consultation with the faculty secretariat of your study programme, whether or not to reprint it. You will be notified and asked to deposit € 50.
- Upon receipt of payment, the duplicate of your degree and/or diploma supplement will be delivered to the faculty secretariat. The secretariat staff will then contact you again.
To request your individual marksheet, send an e-mail to the secretariat of your faculty.
Attention! Unfortunately, since 1 April 2016 we can no longer issue duplicates of diplomas issued up to and including the academic year 2012-2013, because of an adjustment to the administrative databases. We can still provide a diploma or marksheet on request.
Administrative support for former students
Certified copy of diploma (supplement)
If you need a certified copy of your diploma and/or diploma supplement, please inform the secretariat of your faculty.
We will screen your application, after which you come by with the copies you already have or original documents to copy on the spot. We give the copies to the rector, who signs them, and we put a VUB stamp (Rectorate) and date stamp on the reverse. Once all that is in order, you can come and collect the documents.
Administrative support for former students
Translation of your diploma
Some foreign universities, employers, and authorities require an official translation of your diploma by a sworn translator. Addresses of translators can be obtained from the court of first instance:
Rechtbank van eerste aanleg Brussel
Poelaertplein 1
1000 Brussel
Tel: 02-557 43 02
More info (in Dutch)