Central administrative bodies
The University Council, the Board of Governors, the Academic Council, and the Executive Committee are the central governing bodies. They are assisted by supporting councils.
Faculty governing bodies
The Faculty Council is the highest governing body of a faculty. The Faculty Office is responsible for the day-to-day management of the faculty.
Social consultative bodies
The social consultative bodies at the VUB include the Works Council, the Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work and Syndicated Negotiations. At VUB, staff are represented by the trade unions ABVV, VSOA/ACLVB and LBC-NVK.ACV.
Student representation
The students are represented by the Student Council and the Stuvoraad, and help to determine the VUB's policy. The student council members sit on central governing bodies, the Stuvoraad (Student Facilities Council) monitors policy on student facilities.