Default track
The model track in Master of Science in Civil Engineering (BRUFACE) (120 ECTS) is composed of:
1) Year 1: Compulsory common courses: Fundamentals in Civil Engineering (18 ECTS)
2) Year 1: Compulsory common courses: Challenges in large Civil Engineering Structures (17 ECTS)
3) Year 1: Compulsory common courses: Transversal Skills and Industrial Applications (20 ECTS)
4) Year 1: Project Management (1 project to choose out of 3 that are provided) (5 ECTS)
5) Year 2: the Master Thesis (24 ECTS)
6) Year 2: Semi-elective modules (3 modules are offered: Innovative Design of Civil Engineering Structures, Geotechnologies for Sustainable Developments, Reliability and Monitoring in Civil Engineering, in 3 combinations) (1 combination of 2 modules to choose out of 3 combinations)(18 or 20 ECTS)
7) Year 2: Electives (thematic lists)(18 or 16 ECTS to choose depending on the number of semi-electives that has been selected sub (6))