Borrow logistics and AV equipment
Borrow audiovisual and logistics equipment for your indoor or outdoor event via our online rental shop.
First, register as a student, staff, or external customer. Once your account is approved, you can log in to view our stock and reserve equipment. When you borrow equipment, the team will briefly explain how to use it correctly. You are responsible for collecting and transporting the reserved equipment yourself.
The following audiovisual and logistics material can be borrowed from our lending service:
- projectors
- laptops
- recording devices
- cameras
- sound installations
- cables
- pointers
- webcams
- chairs
- reception tables
- flipcharts
- poster panels
- beach flags
- roll-ups
- pavement signs
- movable signs
Service VUB Main Campus and VUB Health Campus
Reservations are processed in chronological order. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that the requested equipment will be available at the requested time.