Work on your health and contribute to a better climate thanks to Bike kits 

The climate is what keeps you awake at night. Good mental and physical health are super priorities for you. Right? Then Bike Kits is something for you! 

As a VUB student, you are often on the road in the framework of education, research and collaborations. If you take the bike, you will enjoy a lot of benefits. You can control your travel time within the bicycle friendly Brussels, regardless of traffic jams and cycling is good for your physical and mental health. Moreover, you also contribute to a liveable city and a better climate. All these positive effects have not escaped the notice of the VUB. Thanks to the VUB project Bike kits, you as a cyclist get an extra push in the back! 

Green Team, the organization behind Bike Kits, provides every cyclist at the VUB with a package of information about cycling in Brussels. But it also offers equipment to get to the campuses safely and easily. You will receive a cycling map, a fluorescent leg wrap, a fluorescent jacket, a fluorescent backpack cover and an information sheet about cycling to the VUB. If you also have access to the parking facilities, you will receive a bicycle registration label with your personnel or student card number. In this way you can cycle through our city in a safe and fun way. You can request your free bicycle package via or via the form to request access to the bicycle racks. Do not hesitate and cycle along to a brighter future! 

More info 


You are... 
  • A VUB'er who cycles or wants to cycle more 
  • A VUB'er who wants to do something about his or her mental/physical health. 
  • A VUB person who wants to contribute to a better environment 

You have... 
  • A bicycle 

What's in it for you? 
  • Cycling is good for your mental and physical health 
  • You contribute to a better climate 
  • You get a free bike kit with information and safe clothing so you are always protected 


Contact details

Projectleader: Hannah De Cauter 


Tel: 0475 79 03 21

*As an Urban Engaged University, we call upon our VUB community to help build a better world through social engagement. On the "The World Needs You" platform, the VUB collects socially meaningful projects on which students, staff, alumni and sympathisers can collaborate. These projects do not represent the university. The initiatives and communication are the responsibility of the project organisers and do not represent the university's position.